Monday, January 14, 2013

The Voice New Testament

To be honest, I was not expecting to "like" this book very much. I have typically stuck with the New King James version of the bible because I feel that it sticks closest to the original meaning. However, after reading The Voice New Testament, I began to really see the value in a book such as this. Sure, for any serious studying, you will want a regular version of the bible. But for an engaging and enjoyable read of the stories of the bible, The Voice cannot be beaten. I have actually found myself at times preferring this version because the way it reads is so different from any other bible I have read. It really is almost like reading a fictional story the way it pulls you in and engages on a personal level. All in all I would recommend this book to anyone, but especially those who are new to the bible or do not want to read the tedious (although accurate) older translations.